Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 16,2010 Alba Truffles Market

The whole town  of Alba has been transformed into a Medieval Village.  Full of music, medieval costumes, regional foods, and a constant aroma of white truffles in the air. The Food and Wine Tasting tent was superb!  Lots of wines from Barolo and Barbarsco areas to taste, meeting the different wine makers.  Typical foods such as salami al tartufu, all kinds of cheeses, hazelnut and chestnut torte, huge amounts of white truffles, and all kids of antipasti made with truffles. Bought lots of stuff for our Thanksgiving Happy Hour! We are ending the day with dinner to celebrate our anniversary!  Salute! Miss you all!


  1. Happy Anniversary! So sorry I did not answer your call today, I was at the salon and then was putting Ryan for a nap, have a wonderful time! Can't wait for thanksgiving, we need to incorporate the food and truffle festival in some thanksgiving dishes..

  2. Happy anniversary! Enjoy! Love you.
